
3つの真新しい部族! 「Survivor 43」のフルキャストに会いましょう


  サバイバー43 キャスト


3つの真新しい部族! 「Survivor 43」のフルキャストに会いましょう

リアリティ シリーズの第 43 シーズンの 18 人の新しいプレーヤーには、ペットの火葬者、小児科の看護師、パラリンピアンが含まれます。
  • 著者: マイク・ブルーム
  • 更新日:

1年前、 サバイバー 初の活動休止から復帰。の リアリティテレビ 巨人は、まったく新しいひねり、より少ない日数、およびより多くの剥奪を備えた「新しい時代」の到来を告げました.しかし、潜在的なプレーヤーが何が待ち構えているかを見た今、ショーは彼らをつま先で保つために物事を変え続けますか?それとも、これは現代の「モンスター」の準備ができているキャストですか? サバイバー 今までより?

関連している: 知っておくべきすべて サバイバー 43 (プレミア公開時を含む)

それはまだわかりませんが、いずれにせよ、これらの18人の新しい出場者は準備ができています.彼らは世界中から集まり (初めてハワイからの参加者も含まれます!)、語るべき物語を持っています。ゲームの生涯にわたるファンもいれば、検疫中にショーに夢中になった人もいます。彼らの職業は、ペットの火葬場から小児科の看護師、パラリンピアンまで多岐にわたります。しかし、彼らに共通しているのは、(文字通りの空腹の前に)最新の唯一のサバイバーになり、100 万ドルの賞金を持ち帰ることへの渇望です。

下のギャラリーを起動して、18 人の選手が参加しているのを確認してください。 サバイバー 43 .そして、必ずチェックインしてください パレード.com ゲームが始まる前に、キャストとの独占インタビューをお届けします。 サバイバー 43 で初演 9月 21時20分CBS の特別な 2 時間のエピソードで。

次、 とのインタビューをご覧ください サバイバー 42 勝者マリアン・オケッチ .

  サバイバー43のキャスト。  サバイバー43のキャスト。  黄色のバカ族は (L から R へ): Elisabeth"Elie" Scott, Mike Gabler, Morriah Young, Owen Knight, Jeanine Zheng, and Sami Layadi.  Elie Scott は、大学院の友人が彼女を Michele Fitzgerald と比較した後、Survivor に恋をしました。 31 歳の彼女は、臨床心理士としての仕事でも同様の成功を収めることを望んでいます。退役軍人と共に PTSD を克服することを専門とする彼女は、コネクターとしてのスキルが 27 日間の戦いを乗り切ると信じています。's about to enter. And though she knows she masks some surprising disorganization, she plans to cover for that by becoming the next "advantage queen."Read our interview with Elie Scott (coming 9/1)Age: 31Hometown: Atlanta, Ga.Current Residence: Salt Lake City, UtahOccupation: Clinical PsychologistFavorite Hobbies: Rock climbing, skiing, karaoke at dive bars3 Words to Describe You: Clever, perceptive and authenticPet Peeve(s): Really the only way someone can earn a spot on my bad side is by being inconsiderate or intentionally hurtful to others. Social injustice and discrimination make my blood boil. I will always speak up when I observe it, even if it gets me into trouble. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I am most proud of persistence in education, despite challenges. When it came time to apply for college, my high school advisor told me I would be wasting time and money if I enrolled, but I had a deep desire to study psychology so that I could work towards helping families like mine that were impacted by addiction. I was accepted to a program for students with lower GPAs and/or standardized test scores, with the contingency that I had to make A’s in all of my first semester classes. After meeting this requirement, I realized how good it felt to do well in school, show up to class and try hard at things that were challenging. I graduated college early, with a 3.89 GPA and proceeded to earn a 4.0 GPA in all of my Master’s and Doctoral courses.What is something we would never know from looking at you? Most people don’t know that I’m creative and artsy. I love to write, paint, and learn new crafts when I have time for it! Who is your hero and why? My Abuelos, my maternal grandparents, are my greatest heroes because of their ability to persevere through adversity and take risks to better the lives of their family and communities.Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I think I have the natural ability to lead a group to the end in the same way Kim Spradlin did, but I also realize she had a lot of luck and circumstance on her side during her first season. Kelley Wentworth is an example of how I will play if I find myself without such luck. I am scrappy and crafty and would be fighting up until the last minute to find idols and sway votes in the same way. I can also see myself playing a social and strategic game like Cirie Fields. People see me as caring and nurturing, so I will be afforded more room to subtly manipulate and push for my best interest, without turning people against me. I’d also feel proud to play and grow in the same way that Sarah Lacina did across her seasons. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I will outwit by use of my natural social skill and cutthroat strategy. People will trust, share information, and be disarmed by me, which will make me dangerous. I am coming into the game with the understanding that SURVIVOR is a world with a different set of social norms, so my mindset will shift away from Psychologist ethics and toward SURVIVOR Ethics. I will outplay with my natural competitiveness, athleticism, and tenacity. I will not give up. In this new era, advantages are key, so I will hustle hard to find and use advantages to keep myself alive! And I will outlast by moving towards small goals that will motivate me along the way. I will know when to strike and when to lay low. I will be sneaky when I have to be and transparent when it is beneficial. I will adapt with the game.  UX デザイナーの Jeanine Zheng は、島で別の Web をナビゲートする準備ができています。 24 歳の彼女は、彼女と父親の両方を作るためにゲームに参加します。's dreams come true, having watched the show together through the years. And while she's excited about the looseness and unpredictability the "new era" provides, she hopes her resume of high achievement will lead to yet another hard-earned success in her life.Read our interview with Jeanine Zheng (coming 9/1)Age: 24Hometown: South Hamilton, Mass.Current Residence: San Francisco, Calif.Occupation: UX DesignerFavorite Hobbies: Backpacking (bonus points if it leads to sleeping under the stars), photography, running3 Words to Describe You: Green (both in that I absorb all new experiences/information around me, and am environmentally conscious), empathetic, wittyPet Peeve(s): Being “mansplained” to, people on their phones while you’re hanging out. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? The body of work that I am most proud of is my senior thesis, which bridged my two majors of Environmental Science and Visual Arts. They are two departments that have never worked together as a double major, and it took a lot of initiative to create my own syllabus and thesis which addresses both. The thesis is a true reflection of me, of my equal passions in sustainability and art. What is something we would never know from looking at you? People often assume I’m extroverted because I’ve very effusive and engaged, especially when meeting someone for the first time. But I’m definitely an introvert and need time alone to recharge. Who is your hero and why? My father paved the way for my family and our life as we know it. He grew up as a sweet potato farmer in the impoverished countryside of China; he eventually came to the United States, completed his PhD in genetics, and now creates biotechnologies to increase yields for those very crops. To say I admire his tenacity, discipline, and work ethic is an understatement. Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Kim Spradlin. She had the ability to control the game based on her interpersonal relationships, convincing everyone on the tribe that they could trust her. She straddled the perfect balance of executing huge game moves without being pegged as the mastermind -- and is feminism at its finest. Also, Andrea Boehlke because she is outdoorsy, carried her weight and manipulated people while staying likable.Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? Given the evolution of the game, I see the winner as having to sit between multiple trust clusters and have the intuition to know when to rely on which at any given moment. I can sit in that position; I can create relationships with people from completely different backgrounds and juggle the nuances of my different alliances. My athleticism and outdoor experience give me the ability to “outlast,” but I see my real strong-suit in the “outwit” portion. I can read social dynamics easily, which will allow me to be ahead of the curve in terms of moves. I’ll make my own moves, so that at final tribal council, there will be no question of whether or not I played actively and assertively.   これ's unknown if Mike Gabler has the most heart out of the Survivor 43 cast, but he certainly is the biggest expert on it. The transcatheter valve expert has made the show a household staple since the very beginning and is thinking back home in more ways than one out here. But he's ready to dry his tears, though they may help people look past his "severe-looking" exterior.Read our interview with Mike Gabler (coming 9/2)Age: 52Hometown: Houston, TexasCurrent Residence: Meridian, IdahoOccupation: Heart Valve SpecialistFavorite Hobbies: Camping, hunting, fishing, skiing3 Words to Describe You: Intense, energetic, funPet Peeve(s): Unfairness and men in skinny jeans! What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My family. It has not been easy. Life is busy; life is hard. But through hard work, dedication and love, we have stayed together, overcome obstacles and are strong!What is something we would never know from looking at you? As social as I am, I enjoy time alone. I am also more sensitive than most think. Who is your hero and why? My father. He’s always there for us. He was also a Green Beret and is a patriot. Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? If I can only pick one, then I’d say Sandra. She was always in the right place at the right time. She had phenomenal strategies and game play. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? Yes!!  Morriah Young は教師でありアーティストであり、その個性は彼女が作成するアート (および彼女のスタイル) と同じくらいカラフルです。 28 歳の彼女は、サバイバーを最初から見て育ち、亡くなった母親のやりたいことリストの最後の 1 つを確認するためにここにいます。しかし、彼女はその経験の生々しさが、ゲームに必要な忍耐力の準備ができていると感じており、島に入ったときよりも明るく島を去ることを望んでいます. Morriah Young とのインタビューを読む (9 月 2 日予定) 年齢: 28 出身地: ペンシルベニア州フィラデルフィア現在の居住地: ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィア.職業: 教師好きな趣味: ショッピング、旅行、コンテンツの作成あなたを説明する 3 つの言葉: カラフル、エネルギッシュ、楽しいペットのピーブ: 否定的なナンシー、デビー ダウナーズ、いじめっ子あなたが最も誇りに思っている成果は何ですか?私は婚約者と築いてきた人生を誇りに思っています。私は教師であることを誇りに思っています。大学を卒業できたことを誇りに思います。セルフィー ミュージアムを開きます。あなたを見てもわからないことは何ですか?あなたのヒーローは誰で、その理由は?私は自分のヒーローです。私は毎回自分を救います。しかし、私の母は究極のヒーローです。なぜなら、私はすべて大人になり、母はもうここにいないからです。母がどれだけ本当に辛抱強く生きてきたかがわかります。ジェームズ:「リンゴをかじるな!」できる限り同盟に忠実であり続け、最後まで頑張ってください。なぜあなたは唯一の生存者になれると思いますか?私が成し遂げられないことはこの世にありません。私の考え方は、私のすべての夢のゴールに私を導きました。さらに、私はとても愛らしいので、差し迫った脅威ではありません。   入学ディレクターのオーウェン・ナイトは、サバイバーの勝者に受け入れられることを望んでいます' circle by the end of this season. The 30-year-old fell back in love with the show as an adult and feels his interpersonal skills can get many alliance applications accepted. He feels he's perceived as a cross between a long-haired "bro" and a brainy nerd, and hopes that can make him a big unknown on the island.Read our interview with Owen Knight (coming 9/3) Age: 30Hometown: Bethesda, Md.Current Residence: New Orleans, La.Occupation: College Admissions DirectorFavorite Hobbies: Backpacking, hiking, video games, taking and coaching fitness classes3 Words to Describe You: Loyal, charismatic, passionatePet Peeve(s): People who are entitled. And people who don’t know what to do at a four-way stop.What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being named an admission director at my age is rare. To be named director at my alma mater reminds me that the grind has been worth it, and that people have noticed how dedicated and genuinely invested I am.What is something we would never know from looking at you? That I’m a great public speaker and use my people skills at work every day. Asian men have certain unfair stereotypes associated with them, and I do not fit that mold. I played football in high school, was rush chair for my fraternity, and can entertain a room of 800 people. I use my EQ more than my IQ on an average day.Who is your hero and why? My parents. They are kind, fun, hard-working and dedicated to one another. They’re more active and social than I am! They gave me a life that anyone would dream of when they adopted me as a baby, and they have supported me in every endeavor I have taken on. I owe them everything and want to make them proud. Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I would love to play a similar game to Adam Klein. He kept his threat level low, had good relationships with everyone, and was his authentic, superfan self. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I can win SURVIVOR because I am an unassuming triple threat. Socially, I’m likable and take a genuine interest in people. I make people feel like I am invested in them because I actually am! Physically, I am athletic enough to be an asset early in the game; however, nobody is going to mistake me for Ozzy and view me as a threat to go on an individual immunity run. Strategically, I am a SURVIVOR super-duper fan and have seen every season and watch the international versions. I have studied this game and know what works and what doesn’t. Most importantly, I am pretty self-aware and know that I need to play my own game and go with the flow as the game develops.  19歳のサミ・ラヤディは今シーズン's youngest castaway. But the pet cremator wants to use that to his advantage, looking to learn from the life experiences of his competition to endear himself as a "likable kid." Because beneath a wall of "genetics and great looks" lies someone who is, at his heart, insecure and looking to constantly better himself.Read our interview with Sami Layadi (coming 9/3)Age: 19Hometown: Las Vegas, Nev.Current Residence: Las Vegas, Nev.Occupation: Pet CrematorFavorite Hobbies: Sports, fitness, journaling3 Words to Describe You: Unpredictable, tenacious, indecisivePet Peeve(s): Excuses, laziness, being woken up before noon on weekendsWhat is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Probably getting my Eagle Scout, because I struggled mightily with completing merit badges and often took 3-4 classes just to get them. To finally receive it made me very proud of myself.What is something we would never know from looking at you? My background is very culturally diverse with my father being an immigrant from Morocco.Who is your hero and why? My grandpa, Dale Donald Mann, because he is the hardest working man I have ever known, and he always made sure I knew what was most important: family. He was an amazing husband to my grandmother; seeing him build their relationship upon love and trust taught me so much about how to love somebody. And he understood me more than anybody else ever has. When I would tell him about my insecurities and self-doubt, he would help me understand how those things are actually strengths. I knew I could always count on my grandpa, and I want to make him smile from up there.Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Kelley Wentworth. What I admire and take away from Wentworth’s game is that she never gave up until her torch was snuffed, and even when she was clearly in the bottom, she not only found ways to climb up, but she made everybody think that she was oblivious and not smart enough to foil the foolproof plan they had. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? Because I do not allow myself to not know what is going on with those around me. I am too conversationally and emotionally experienced with people to be unaware of my standing in the game at all times, and I am too determined and hungry to get comfortable. Everybody that I meet grows a heart on their sleeve after I speak with them for 20 minutes, and my competitors on the island will be no different.  青のココ族は (L から R に) ジェームズ・ジョーンズ、リンジー・カーマイン、ライアン・メドラノ、ジオ・ブスタマンテ、カーラ・クルス・ゴドイ、キャシディ・クラークで構成されています。  別の世界では、キャシディ・クラークがすでにサバイバーを演じていたでしょう。 26 歳の彼は、2020 年にシーズン 41 にキャストされ、パンデミックが発生する前にプレーすることから数日離れていました。しかし、荒廃したことで、彼女は再申請時にさらに準備を整える機会を得ました。今、ファッション デザイナーは、部族評議会の滑走路に出る準備がさらに整っており、ここ数年ずっと彼らにとって不変であったショーで彼女の家族を代表することを望んでいます. キャシディ・クラークとのインタビューを読む (9/4 に来る) 年齢: 26 出身地: テキサス州プラノ現在の居住地: テキサス州オースティン職業: デザイナー好きな趣味: ファッション デザインとほとんどの芸術、祖父母の古着や小物を節約すること、スケート、ボクシング、水中探検。 Pet Peeve(s): 偏狭で批判的な人々。また、母なる自然とそのすべての美しい存在に敬意を払っていない人々! あなたが最も誇りに思っている成果は何ですか?私は多くのつらい経験を乗り越えてきました。私には闘志があり、常に私の忍耐力を誇りに思っています。しかし、ファッションショーで自分のデザインを披露できることをとても誇りに思っています!あなたを見ても決してわからないことは何ですか?私は常に、生命、自然、そしてその多くの美しい複雑さのすべてに対して、深い精神的な驚きと感謝を抱いてきました.その瞬間に完全に身を委ね、その瞬間に受け入れられたとき、私は何かを具現化して創造することができます。ゲーム全体を通してその流れを維持することは必ずしも容易ではありませんが、最優先事項です。あなたのヒーローは誰で、その理由は?決まり文句に聞こえるかもしれませんが、私の母は信じられないほどおかしくなりました!彼女は非常に多くの逆境に直面してきましたが、それが彼女の精神を壊すことを決して許しませんでした.彼女は私の目には伝説であり、「繁栄」するための究極の「生存者」です。あなたはどの過去のサバイバーのようにゲームをプレイしますか?私はいつもキム・スプラドリンのゲームを賞賛してきました.彼女は控えめな暗殺者でした.トリプルスレットの勝利を見るのが大好きでした。彼女は非常に強力な社会的、戦略的、物理的なゲームをプレイしました.彼女は、ゲーム全体を通して同盟を「操り」、ターゲットを背中から遠ざけました。なぜあなたは唯一の生存者になれると思いますか?私はすべての適切な場所にスイートスポットがあると思います。私は身体的に健康で競争力があり、部族の資産になりますが、身長がわずかであるため、脅威ではないように見えます.私は直感的で、枠にとらわれない思想家です。私の賢くて機知に富んだ性質により、ゲームの予想外のひねりに対処し、適応することができます。私には他人を操作して説得する能力があり、日常生活でそれを乱用することはありませんが、SURVIVOR ではすべての賭けが外れています。私の人生経験、楽観的な魅力、そしてオープンマインドな見通しにより、私は他の人と深くつながり、武装解除し、強力な同盟と友情を築くことができます.しかし、自分のロジックを使用して、常に自分のゲームに最適な決定を下すのに十分な距離を保つことができます.ラバーが路面に出たら、全力で力強くプレーします。人々は私が来るのを見ないだろうし、それはまさに私が期待していることだ.   Geo Bustamante が Survivor に登場するのは危険です。 36 歳の彼は、ショーに出演するために仕事を辞めざるを得なかったので、彼は's aiming to come back home with his biggest paycheck yet. And he hopes he can do that by giving back to a show that showed him that your insecurities can make you shine, even if they'll come to the forefront on the beach.Read our interview with Geo Bustamante (coming 9/4)Age: 36Hometown: Miami, Fla.Current Residence: Honolulu, HIOccupation: Project ManagerFavorite Hobbies: Hiking, traveling, diving3 Words to Describe You: Adaptable, hard worker, resilientPet Peeve(s): I strongly dislike laziness and people who don’t have common courtesy. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Being that English is my second language, I grew up in the hood and was homeless for a period of time, the accomplishment that I am most proud of is graduating with my Associates degree with a 4.0 GPA.What is something we would never know from looking at you? I grew up shy, quiet and in my head, which made me a thinker and very analytical. People also don’t see that if they mess or compete with me, they will lose. A whole new alter ego comes out that turns into a beast during any competition.Who is your hero and why? My husband is my hero because he is everything I have. He motivates me and has encouraged me through so much. He is also in the military, so he is a real hero in life! Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? It would have to be a combination of Cochran and Boston Rob. I am not as physical as Rob, but I will be strategic like Cochran. I’m hoping that by the end of the season, people will see that I played my own game.Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? Because in life, I am already a survivor. In life I did not have the luxury to mess up and have people help me. In life I struggled and fought hard for everything I’ve accomplished. I have the fire in me and the willpower to show the world that I deserve to win and will not let anything or anyone get in my way. I’m ready for this, and I will not let this opportunity of a lifetime go to waste. The world will see that Geo Bustamante has arrived, and I WILL WIN!  ジェームズ・ジョーンズは、13,000 人の大学キャンパスで水から出た魚になって以来、常に適応することができました。そして、37 歳の彼は、2007 年にアール コールがサバイバーで優勝したのを見たとき、これが自分のためのショーだと気づきました。イベントプランナー's guest list for alliances includes purposely seeking out people who are his opposites, even if that means going against his Philly instincts and opening up his heart.Read our interview with James Jones (coming 9/5)Age: 37Hometown: Philadelphia, Pa.Current Residence: Philadelphia, Pa.Occupation: Event PlannerFavorite Hobbies: Curating events, finding the best cocktails in the city, reading/writing3 Words to Describe You: Confident, casual, self-awarePet Peeve(s): Really bad customer service. Pushy sales people.What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? Winning the United States Chess Open (largest chess tournament in the USA) for my rating bracket when I was 12. You are playing against grown people, and I won $1,200. That was like $100,000 to me at the time! It gave me the confidence that I could do almost anything. What is something we would never know from looking at you? I grew up in the church. I was an usher and sang in the choir from age 6 to 17. My dad was a deacon and my mom was a deaconess. I have a deep faith but it is my own faith. I don’t talk about it a lot but I am a big believer.Who is your hero and why? My mom. She overcame a lot to raise me and give me the foundation to be the person that I am today. She made sure I was raised in a safe house, made sure I went to church to develop a moral compass, took me to black history workshops as a child so I had a sense of self worth. She made sure I got into the best public school in the city, then made sure I could travel the country as a middle schooler playing chess. She passed away five years ago, and as I grow older, I grow to admire her more each day.Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Sandra’s “anyone but me” will always be my strategy, as long as I see a path to the end and I am with people, or have people, in which I trust. If I don’t have that, I will be an agent of chaos Russell with charm. I am playing to win and not for 7th place.Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I thrive, and find a certain comfort, in chaos. Managing events at a club on a Friday night anything can happen, but whatever issues pop up you have to handle. That takes interpersonal skills if it is dealing with people, and it takes general problem-solving skills when dealing with a venue, and you still have to make sure everyone at your party has a great time.  カーラ・クルス・ゴドイは常に「あなたがしなければ」というモットーを持って生きてきました't like something, change it." The 28-year-old grew up in a low-income household, building resiliency that got her a prestigious scholarship and an impressive education to boot. She comes to the show wanting to provide more representation, hoping her social and eavesdropping skills will lead to her thriving once more.Read our interview with Karla Cruz Godoy (coming 9/5)Age: 28Hometown: San Diego, Calif.Current Residence: Newark, Del.Occupation: Educational Project ManagerFavorite Hobbies: Traveling, brunching, karaoke3 Words to Describe You: Ambitious, gregarious, adaptablePet Peeve(s): Tardiness, pessimism, slow driversWhat is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My parents are Mexican immigrants who became teenage parents at the age of 16, which led me to grow up in a low-income community where college was only a dream. Fortunately, school became a safe space for me, where I felt loved, cared for and seen. I recognized that through school, I could follow my passions and most importantly, get out of the hood. I’m proud to say I’m the first in my family to graduate from high school, and the first to graduate from college, and I did it all with a full-ride scholarship from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Millennium Scholars program. This queer Chicana did that!What is something we would never know from looking at you? I’m incredibly competitive and an overachiever in every aspect of my life. Who is your hero and why? My grandfather, Elizafat Godoy. He immigrated to the U.S. from Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico to provide a better life for his family, and he instilled strong educational values in me. He loves his family and my grandmother unconditionally. He’s the most important male figure in my life.Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Cirie Fields because she was an incredibly well-rounded, social, and analytical player. She was loved by all, she knew when to stir the pot, and she knew how to keep a strong social game that could take her to the end. I’m physically strong, so I’ll use that as an added advantage. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I’m adaptable, resilient, gregarious, and my ancestors have my back. I’m confident in my social game, that I’ll build relationships across differences and get along with just about anyone. With my wife and family in my heart and thoughts, I know I will make it to the end.  リンゼイ・カーマインは、看護師として働くか、勝利と悲劇の両方を通じて家族を支えるかにかかわらず、奉仕の人生を送ってきました.しかし、一つのこと's clear: She's playing Survivor for herself. The 42-year-old is capitalizing on a dream that spans over two decades, but sees herself as the underdog due to her age and perceived Southern hospitality. But make no mistake, she's ready for the frontlines of this game.Read our interview with Lindsay Carmine (coming 9/6)Age: 42Hometown: Greensboro, N.C.Current Residence: Downingtown, Pa.Occupation: Pediatric NurseFavorite Hobbies: Volunteering, traveling, reading, exercising, gardening and projects on our homestead. Any and all outdoor adventures. Spending time with family and friends.3 Words to Describe You: Relentless, resourceful, compassionatePet Peeve(s): People that cut in line. Smacking gum. When people play games on their phone and don’t put the phone on silent.What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? I’ve never strayed from my goals, even when people tell me my expectations are too high. The common assumption is that you can have it all, just not all at once. I’m here to show you that you can! I look around at this life that I’ve very intentionally created for myself and our family and think, “What if I had listened to everyone and just stopped dreaming? I wouldn’t have any of this!” What is something we would never know from looking at you? People are mostly surprised at how competitive I am, especially as I get older. It’s as if people think I should have outgrown that phase in my life by now. I come across as non-threatening, and it is very intentional on my part – this is going to help me in the game. Who is your hero and why? Healthcare providers! Specifically my co-workers and nursing school best friends, who I relied on for strength and support while I cared for Covid patients during the pandemic.Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Natalie – mental and physical strength. Sarah – strategic. Michelle – social. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I have 20 years’ worth of reasons why I am going to be the sole SURVIVOR.  幼い頃から、Ryan Medrano は自分のやり方で物事を解決することを学ばなければなりませんでした。軽度の脳性まひを持って生まれ、歩けない状態からパーソナルトレーナーになるまでの努力を重ねてきました。彼's had to read body language and facial expressions to anticipate next moves, something he believes will make him a natural for the game. But while the 25-year-old wants to be empathetic on the surface, behind the scenes, he has a calculated plan of recruiting allies within allies.Read our interview with Ryan Medrano (coming 9/6)Age: 25Hometown: Savannah, Ga.Current Residence: El Paso, TexasOccupation: Warehouse AssociateFavorite Hobbies: Fishing, hiking, carpentry3 Words to Describe You: Charismatic, outgoing, humorousPet Peeve(s): Bullies, laziness, self-entitlement. What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My connection that I made with my mother after her stroke. I helped her to understand that just because she wasn’t the same as before didn’t mean she couldn’t live a full life. She just had to approach things from her newfound perspective.What is something we would never know from looking at you? I was born three months early with mild cerebral palsy. Doctors said I would never walk but after four years of therapy, I finally was able to.Who is your hero and why? My father. He helped raise us while fighting for our country and putting 110% into both. Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Rupert. I like the way he provided food for his tribe, which helped them keep their strength for the challenges. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I’m a triple threat. I can socialize easily, am naturally strong and quick in puzzles. I am great at forming bonds and can influence others with a silver tongue. I have a great resolve to do what needs to be done to earn the million dollars.  赤のベシ族は (L から R へ): ドワイト・ムーア、ネカ・エヘール、コーディ・アッセンマッハー、ノエル・ランバート、ジェシー・ロペス、ジャスティン・ブレナンで構成されています。  Cody Assenmacher は、何年も前にアイオワ州の平原からハワイに引っ越してきた島の生活に慣れています。彼のプレー計画は、彼のお気に入りの以前のプレーヤーの何人かによって概説されています。 35 歳の彼は、彼のワイルドカード イメージが、良くも悪くも多くの注目を集める可能性があることを知っています。しかし、彼は自分のゲームプレイが自分の髪の毛のようなものになると推測しています: 前面に人間関係を構築し、背面に戦略性を備えています.Cody Assenmacher とのインタビューを読む (9 月 7 日公開予定) 年齢: 35 出身地: アイオワ州プレストン現在の居住地: ホノルル、HIO職業: エレベーター営業好きな趣味: 友達との外出、旅行、アウトドア あなたを説明する 3 つの言葉: 楽観的、カリスマ的、恐れ知らず ペットのおしっこ: 怠け者、ソーシャル メディア中毒者、公共の場所で爪を切ること あなたが最も誇りに思っている成果は何ですか?家族や友人との関係を本当に誇りに思っています。それらがなければ、人生は退屈です。彼らが私のためにそこにいることを知っていることは、何があっても慰めです.あなたを見ても決してわからないことは何ですか?下の前歯の[数本]が入れ歯です。私が子供の頃、凍ったトウモロコシ畑で四輪バギーの後ろで兄が私をそりに縛り付け、そりがひっくり返った.あなたのヒーローは誰で、その理由は?高校時代にガンで亡くなった親友のデヴォン・ヤドフ。彼の喪失は、幼い頃の私に火をつけました。その火は、私を今までとは違う人生を生きるように駆り立て続けています。そして、私の両親は、無私無欲に私を今日の私に形作ってくれたことに感謝しています。あなたはどの過去のサバイバーのようにゲームをプレイしますか?マルコム – 彼は好感が持てる、肉体的に熟練した、謙虚なプレーヤーであり、そのスキルセットを使用してゲームを進めました.マルコムと私は、複数の性格、性格、身体的スキル セットを共有しています。このゲームで競争するには、腰を下ろして、時には愚か者の役割を演じて、あなたをだましていると思っている愚か者をだます能力が重要です。なぜあなたは唯一の生存者になれると思いますか?私は、SURVIVORと私がお互いのために意図されていたことを知っています.それを実現するのに20年かかりました!私のカリスマ的で楽しいことが大好きな性格により、同盟を築くことができます。私の競争力は、挑戦に勝つことで数字を維持します。屋外での経験は、避難所の建設や食料の調達に役立ちます。私の経験、職業、さまざまな都市での生活は、時代を先取りした知恵を私に与えてくれました。それを自分より年上のプレーヤーとのコミュニケーションに活用し、アクティブなライフスタイルと若々しい精神により、若いプレーヤーとの関係を築くことができます。 .  ドワイト・ムーアは非常に多くのインタビュー経験があるため、ジェフ・プロブストに来る可能性があります's Tribal Council job by the end of the season. The 22-year-old had a journalism career at a young age that gave him the bravery to do anything, including apply to Survivor. Despite admitting he is out of his element, he hopes his academic skills and adaptability are able to apply to his strategy to send him to the front of the class once more.Read our interview with Dwight Moore (coming 9/7)Age: 22Hometown: Palo Alto, Calif.Current Residence: Collierville, Tenn.Occupation: Graduate StudentFavorite Hobbies: Skiing, videogames, tutoring/teaching.3 Words to Describe You: Ambitious, confident and strong-willed.Pet Peeve(s): Someone making a reference to “The Office” within two seconds of learning my name. Arrogance. Refusal to use turn signals while driving.What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? In my sophomore year of high school, I decided to take the ACT, just to see how I would do on it, and I ended up getting a perfect score. That was great for college admissions, and it garnered me attention locally and nationally. Due to that, I’ve had parents in Memphis tell me that they’ve used me as an example for their kids, to show what black people can accomplish academically. It’s not the actual score that I’m proud of; it’s the idea that, hopefully, someone felt motivated by seeing black representation in an academic space. What is something we would never know from looking at you? That I had a whole career as a journalist that rivals that of professionals, all before I entered college! I got into journalism because as a kid, I wanted to become President and decided that the best way to learn was by interviewing other political figures. The list of people I’ve interviewed includes Cory Booker, Madeleine Albright, Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice. I also covered the red carpet at the National Civil Rights Museum’s Freedom Awards for many years, interviewing honorees.Who is your hero and why? My parents! My dad was raised in a small town in Mississippi and is now a doctor with his own practice in Memphis, and my mom is a registered nurse [turned] stay-at-home mom. They’ve been able to do so much with their lives despite obstacles, thus being able to provide me with so much in my life. Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I hope to emulate Wendell’s game from “Ghost Island” the most. He made it far due to an extremely strong social game, and I hope to create that same level of bond, such that people will want to keep me around, even if doing so would be detrimental to their long-term game. Also, he performed well in challenges, both in the individual and tribal phases when needed.Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I can be the Sole Survivor not just because of my social skills or intellect, but because of the passion that I put into every single thing that I do in life. If I set my mind to do something, I’m giving it everything until I see that goal met. I’m well aware that I lack typical skills for living outdoors, but many legends of the game lacked those skills initially as well. I’ve always been open to learning and adapting to my environment in order to succeed, and I don’t plan on treating this game any differently, especially in the succeeding part.   ジェシー・ロペスはピボットに根ざした人生を送ってきました。 30 歳の彼は、少年院のギャングのメンバーから人生を好転させ、現在は住宅所有者であり、誇り高き 2 人の子供の父親になっています。彼は、博士課程の一環として投票行動を研究したときに、Survivor に恋をしました。政治学で。そして、彼は彼を望んでいます's able to turn those book smarts into beach smarts, even if it means breaking through an unfriendly first impression.Read our interview with Jesse Lopez (coming 9/8)Age: 30Hometown: Venice, Calif.Current Residence: Durham, N.C.Occupation: Political Science Ph.D.Favorite Hobbies: Playing chess with my son. Dancing with my daughter. Binge-watching shows with my wife after the chess player and dancer fall asleep.3 Words to Describe You: Aware, ambitious, unbreakablePet Peeve(s): Quitters, people who complain about things but aren’t willing to change, and personalized license plates.What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? The family I’ve built with my wife. Every day I get to watch my kids actually be kids and grow at their own pace. That’s something that I never had and always wanted. It doesn’t matter what else I’ve done or end up doing; building a family with my wife takes the cake.What is something we would never know from looking at you? I do research at Duke. You don’t look at me and see a scholar. As Biggie says though, “I’m sicker than your average.”Who is your hero and why? My wife. She’s been with me every step of the way and had to make the same sacrifices as me to get here. She juggles the weight of both kids, my stresses, as well as her own, and still manages to maintain her composure. She’s got no fear and has always pushed me to do better. I could go on forever, but at the end of the day I just want to make her proud.Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? I’m basically Spencer or Christian (David vs. Goliath) if they got jumped into a gang at 15. I’m definitely bringing an academic mindset to the game because I’ve spent more hours thinking about how people vote than Sandra and Boston Rob combined. At the same time, I wasn’t raised in an ivory tower and have been around the block enough to know there is stuff textbooks can’t teach you about real people and life.Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? I’ve researched voting behavior for years. I don’t care if I’m out there with someone who never missed an episode of SURVIVOR, or someone who played 3 times already, they ain’t gonna hold a candle to me strategically. But I’m also not an academic by nature and have gone from being a gang member to dealing with Harvard-level researchers on a daily basis -- so I can adapt to any environment and build relationships with anyone.  ジャスティン・ブレナンは、勤勉の価値を教える家庭で育ちました。彼女の両親は、フィリピンから移住した後、彼女と彼女の兄弟のために生活を築きました。 29歳's fandom ignited when she binge-watched the series during quarantine. And she's excited for a new era where things move will move as quickly as her speed through 40+ seasons of Survivor.Read our interview with Justine Brennan (coming 9/8)Age: 29Hometown: Sunnyvale, Calif.Current Residence: Marina Del Rey, Calif.Occupation: Cyber Security SalesFavorite Hobbies: Cooking, oil painting, golfing3 Words to Describe You: Self-sufficient, resourceful, wittyPet Peeve(s): When people walk slowly right in front of you, when you open the door for someone and they don’t say thank you, when people are passive aggressive.What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? My parents let me borrow their 20-year-old Lexus SUV a few years back, and I immediately ran the passenger side door into a 4’ tall concrete pole by making a sharp right turn and not seeing it in my blind spot. To fix the destroyed door would have cost more money than the car was worth, so I looked at websites of a few junkyards, found [one] that had a 2019 gold Lexus LX470, bargained it down from $750 to $400, and installed the new door on Thanksgiving day. Aside from the passenger window now being tinted, it was like the accident never happened!What is something we would never know from looking at you? I think a lot of people think I’m an un-athletic girly girl, but my dad raised me to be the son he never had. I grew up racing dirtbikes and going to fishing derbies. And at my high school’s traditional junior vs. senior girls powderpuff football game, I put a girl in a headlock and tackled her to the ground. (There’s photo evidence.) Who is your hero and why? Easy – my dad. He’s the reason I’m athletic, resourceful, and driven. He decided to be the parent to me and my sister that he never had. He’s the best -- so supportive, and he never lets a day go by without telling us he loves us. He’s the reason I’m in tech sales; I always wanted to be just like him when I grew up. Which past Survivor will you play the game most like? Either Kelley Wentworth or Joe Anglim. Joe was obviously an insane competitor at the individual challenges, but he also proved himself to be a necessary part of the tribe with how resourceful he was. Both were generally likable people to their tribes. It’s necessary to perform things like blindsides in order to keep yourself in the game, but I think Kelley and Joe both played in a lawful-enough way that wasn’t anywhere near as manipulative as other people like Sandra or Tony. Why do you believe you can be the Sole Survivor? In sales I have to outwit people every day. It helps having a high EQ, and I’ve always been way more emotionally intelligent than book smart. That’s a huge attribute when interacting with other tribe members. Having a Psychology degree and being in sales gives me great people skills; put me in a room of strangers and we’ll leave as friends. I’m good at connecting with people and making them feel comfortable enough to trust me, which is key in a game like SURVIVOR. I’m a strong competitor. Don’t judge me by my size! I will never give up on something that I want; I’m that stubborn and I do not like losing.  薬剤師の Nneka Ejere は、サバイバーの勝者になるための適切な処方箋を持っていることを望んでいます。 43 歳の彼は、ナイジェリアから 2 人の子供と 3 人目の子供を連れて移住し、文字通り大きな動きの経験があります。シーズン最年長の女性として、彼女は回復力とコミュニティ構築の経験が彼女の好みのスタイルをプレイするためのショットを与えることを望んでおり、通常の嘘と裏切りに挑戦したいと考えています. Nneka Ejere とのインタビューを読む (9/9年齢: 43歳 出身地: テキサス州ウェザーフォード現在の居住地: テキサス州ウェザーフォード職業: 薬剤師好きな趣味: 旅行、サイクリング、料理あなたを説明する3つの言葉: 楽しい、勤勉、信頼できるペット・ピーブ: 凡庸、怠惰あなたが最も誇りに思う成果は何ですか?私の家族!夫と私はいくつかの困難な時期を乗り越え、3 人のすばらしい子供をもうけました。私はどれだけタフで、回復力があり、決断力がありますか? あなたのヒーローは誰で、その理由は?私の父。彼は多くのことを成し遂げました。彼は子供の頃から大人になるまで多くの障害を克服し、繁栄しただけでなく、他の多くの人々を連れてきて、そうでなければ大家族を悩ませていたであろう貧困のサイクルを確実に終わらせました。一番好きなゲームは? Cirie、私は接続するのが大好きで、簡単に接続できるからです。表面的には見えないように一生懸命プレーします.なぜあなたは唯一のサバイバーになれると思いますか?私は自分が心に決めたことは何でも達成できると信じています。私は他の人が決定を下すように影響を与えることができます。私も回復力があります。何回転ぶかではなく、もう一度起き上がることです。やりがいのあることは、うまくやる価値があると信じているので、常に 100% を尽くします。  6 年前、ノエル・ランバートは事故で片足を失いました。しかし、25 歳の彼は悲劇を勝利に変え、パラリンピアンになり、昨年の東京大会に出場しました。今、彼女は非常に異なる状況に直面していますが、同様に困難な状況に直面しています。初めて支援システムを利用できなくなったのです。彼女がこのゲームで目指しているのは、アスリートとしてのバックグラウンドに身を置き、喉を切り裂くことができるようになるまで身体的な脅威に取り囲まれることです。職業: 米国パラリンピアン好きな趣味: スノーボード、旅行、友達とぶらぶらすること3 あなたを説明する言葉: 粘り強い、外向的、断固たる態度 ペット・ピーブ: 怠惰な人、遅い運転手、偽りの人. あなたが最も誇りに思っている業績は何ですか? 2016年に足を切断して以来、私は決して自分を定義させませんでした.ディビジョン 1 ラクロスに戻り、わずか 2 年で東京パラリンピックの陸上競技部に出場しました。フィールド チームと 100 メートル ダッシュで新しいアメリカの記録を設定します。人々が私を見たときに考えないことは、私が素晴らしいアスリートだということです。多くの人が私を見たときに見えるのは私の義足であり、彼らは私を気の毒に思い、私の能力を疑っています.そして、それが彼らの最初の間違いです。あなたのヒーローは誰で、その理由は?私のお母さん。彼女は私の親友であり、私のモチベーションであり、私が目指すすべてのものです.彼女は私が知っている中で最も無私で思いやりのある人です。彼女がいなかったら、私は今日ここにいなかったでしょう。セカンドシーズンでケリー・ウェントワースと同じようなゲームをプレイしたい.彼女の部族の仲間は、彼女が大きな脅威だとは思っていませんでしたが、彼女は隠された免疫の偶像を見つけ、ゲームでさらに前進するためにブラインドサイドを作成しました.なぜあなたは唯一の生存者になることができると思いますか?私は簡単に友情を築くことができる能力を持っており、それを有利に利用してゲームを進めます。また、変化し続ける環境に戦略を立てて適応することも得意であり、最後までやり抜くために必要なことは何でも喜んで行います。あなたが私に不可能を提示するなら、私はそれを克服します。

のキャスト サバイバー 43 .

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